Título de la publicación: The “startups law project” and its impact on the international mobility of talent: one year later

Year: September 2022

Media: Observatorio Recursos Humanos

Author: Nuria Cebrián

Summary: The Law is a real opportunity for international mobility in general since improvements and legal modifications are introduced whose scope of application is not explicitly limited to emerging companies but to any Spanish or foreign company with an international presence that wants to attract global talent.

The law introduces the following measures to encourage the attraction of global talent:
-Migration measures
-Tax measures, and
-Remuneration measures.

However, there is no doubt that, aside from this subjective scope of application, this Preliminary Draft is an excellent opportunity to attract international talent with highly qualified professional profiles for any Spanish or foreign company with interests in Spain. Logically, we will have to monitor the final approval and publication of the text closely. Still, if you are not in a hurry, a good HR strategy would be to wait until it is entirely in force to start moving professional profiles to our country.


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