Title: Migratory routes linked to the economy.
Publication date: January 2022
Media: Observatorio de Recursos Humanos
Author: Vanessa Iglesias
Summary: At present, our migration policy is totally unrelated to business needs and professional profiles, with an evident shortage in the Spanish labor market and in critical sectors of the economy. For years there has been a broad European consensus on the need to improve, and indeed expand, the channels of qualified regular migration, as well as to increase Europe’s capacity to attract and retain talent in an increasingly globalized market in which other OECD countries, such as Canada, Australia or the United States, have much better ratios.
The excessive rigidity of the previous directive of the blue card in the definition of a highly qualified professional, salary and professional qualifications, the prevalence and promotion of the national talent attraction regimes themselves, and the transposition that many countries have made, including Spain, linking it to the national employment situation has led to a symbolic use of this migratory route, which is why, after long years of European negotiation, on October 28, 2021, the DO publishes the EU Directive 2021/1883 regarding the conditions of Entry and residence of third-country nationals for the purpose of highly qualified employment.